
IBNS Journal 63-2

includes articles on National Bank of Greece Notes from 1890, Vietnamese Banknotes Printed by GDR, The Currency Conversion and Notes for the Reversion of Okinawa to Japan, 1974, Belgium's Last Banknote and Spanish Colonial Issues in Cuba Part 2

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Banknote of 2024 Nominations

The first three nominations for the Banknote of 2024 are: Kazakhstan: 5,000-Tenge Note, Honduras: 500-Lempira Note, England: 5-Pound Note.


Kazakhstan: 5,000-Tenge Note

Nominated by Chi Chao, IBNS Member 13019

NoteB158 (PNL): 5,000 теңге (tenge) (US$13)
Predominant Colour(s)Red and purple
Front (vertical)Kazakh text; golden eagle detail and 6th or 7th century BCE ornament found in Taldy II Kurgan burial mound; “Tree of Life” detail of sacred branch with hovering bird from headgear of 3rd or 4th century BCE “Golden Man” found in the Issyk kurgan burial mound; DNA spiral; national emblem
BackKazakh text; Charin Canyon in outline of infinity ornament; 7th or 8th century BCE golden eagle ornament found in the Berel Mounds “Valley of the Kings” as gold-to-jade RollingStar Patch; perched golden eagle; circular Kazakh symbol
WatermarkSamruk bird with electrotype 5000
Additional SecurityWindowed security thread with demetalized text
Size140 x 70 mm Paper
Information provided courtesy of The Banknote Book