
IBNS Journal 63-2

includes articles on National Bank of Greece Notes from 1890, Vietnamese Banknotes Printed by GDR, The Currency Conversion and Notes for the Reversion of Okinawa to Japan, 1974, Belgium's Last Banknote and Spanish Colonial Issues in Cuba Part 2

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Banknote of 2024 Nominations

The first three nominations for the Banknote of 2024 are: Kazakhstan: 5,000-Tenge Note, Honduras: 500-Lempira Note, England: 5-Pound Note.


Pakistan's 75 Rupee Note

Nominated by Jan Kercher, IBNS Member 11656

NoteB240 (PNL): 75 rupees (US$0.35)
Predominant Colour(s)Green and blue
FrontUrdu text; denomination in green-to-gold OVI; denomination as registration device; Syed Ahmed Khan, Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal; 75th anniversary logo
BackEnglish text; bank logo; earth as seen from space; markhor (Capra falconeri) screw-horned goat; mountains and deodar trees; denomination as registration device
WatermarkMohammed Ali Jinnah and electrotype 75
Additional SecurityPureimage windowed holographic security thread
PrinterPakistan Security Printing Corporation
Size147 x 65 mm Paper
Information provided courtesy of The Banknote Book