
IBNS Journal 63-2

includes articles on National Bank of Greece Notes from 1890, Vietnamese Banknotes Printed by GDR, The Currency Conversion and Notes for the Reversion of Okinawa to Japan, 1974, Belgium's Last Banknote and Spanish Colonial Issues in Cuba Part 2

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Banknote of 2024 Nominations

The first three nominations for the Banknote of 2024 are: Kazakhstan: 5,000-Tenge Note, Honduras: 500-Lempira Note, England: 5-Pound Note.


Albania's 200 Leke Note

Nominated by Philippe Simon, IBNS Member 9250

NoteB322 (PNL): 200 leke (US$1.80)
Predominant Colour(s)Brown
FrontAlbanian text; open book; writer Naim Frasheri; Bank of Albania building; coat of arms as registration device
BackAlbanian text; paper with phrase taken from Frasheri poem “Ti Shqipëri më jep nder, më jep emrin shqipëtar” (You, Albania, bestow upon me honour and the name Albanian); fountain pen; house where Frasheri was born
Additional SecurityNo security thread
PrinterDe La Rue
Size125 x 65 mm Polymer (Safeguard)
Information provided courtesy of The Banknote Book