
IBNS Journal 63-3

includes articles on French India Banknotes, When Governments Counterfeit, Bolsheviks in Your Wallet, The Secret Heart of the Matter and tributes to Guido Crapanzano and Vincent Duggleby

Login to read your copy.

Latest Banknote of 2024 Nominations

The latest nominations for the Banknote of 2024 are: China: 20-Yuan Note, Thailand: 100-Baht Note, Japan: 5,000-Yen Note, Mozambique: 50-Meticais Note, Argentina: 10,000-Peso Note, Eastern Caribbean States: 50-Dollar Note, Morocco: 200-Dirhams Note


IBNS Privacy Policy v2.0

1 - Introduction

The International Bank Note Society (IBNS) exists to promote banknote collecting within its membership and to the broader collecting public. The IBNS Officers and Directors are aware that privacy and data protection are important, irrespective of the nature of the interests of IBNS members. This privacy policy details how the IBNS collects, processes and protects your personal data.

International Bank Note Society (IBNS) is the data controller and we are responsible for your personal data (referred to as “we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy policy) under the control of IBNS Officers and Directors.

1.1 - Contact Details

Our full details are:

Full name of legal entity:

International Bank Note Society (IBNS)

Email address:

Postal address:

P.O. Box 4220, Swindon, United Kingdom. SN2 9LJ


2 - The Data We Collect

The IBNS collects personal data (that could identify you). The IBNS does NOT collect any sensitive data (e.g. health, ethnicity, trade union membership, political views etc.).

We collect the following categories of personal data:

Data Category

Including but not limited to

Primary Source of Data


Name, Address, Telephone, Email Address, Website URL

Application Process, Communications


Collecting Interests, Marketing Preferences, Complaints

Application Process, Communications


Payment Details, Payment History, Auction Records

Renewal Process, Auction Bids, Third Parties


Username and Password, IP Address, Browser Details, Usage Data

Website, Publicly Available Sources

We may automatically collect technical data from our website through the use of cookies or similar technologies. If you disable these technologies full access to our website may not be possible. Our Cookie Policy can be found here –

It is important that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. Please let us know if at any time your personal information changes by contacting any Membership Secretary or the General Secretary (

3 - How We Process Your Data

The following sections provide details of the data processing and the lawful ground(s) for that processing. The IBNS takes the security of your personal data seriously and appropriate security measures to protect your personal data.

3.1 - Membership Management

Personal data will be recorded in our membership system to manage your membership and to enable the delivery of membership benefits which include but are not limited to: access to the IBNS Website, participation in the IBNS Auction, distribution of the IBNS Journal.

Name, Address and Contact details of new members will be included in a subsequent issue of the IBNS Journal as required by the IBNS Bylaws (Article II Section 3).

The lawful ground for processing this data is contractual (to provide membership benefits) and legitimate interest (review membership applications).

3.2 - Membership Directory

The IBNS publishes a Membership Directory (in physical, PDF and online formats) of its members. Members are permitted to use the Directory for the sole purpose of identifying and establishing contact with other members of IBNS in furtherance of the objective of IBNS to promote the hobby of bank note collecting.

The name and membership number of current IBNS members will appear in the Membership Directory. Additional personal data, restricted to Contact Data (Postal Address, Email Address) and Profile Data (Collecting Interests) will only be included in the Membership Directory with the consent of the member.

Members can request that their additional personal data is removed from future Membership Directories by contacting any Membership Secretary or the General Secretary (

The lawful grounds for processing personal data for the membership directory is legitimate interest (basic information, membership records) and consent (additional personal data).

The IBNS strives to protect members’ personal data in the membership directory however there are circumstances where personal data could become available to non-members. For Example:

  • A current member passes the membership directory to a non-member
  • A member who does not renew their membership may have a current membership directory
  • The IBNS website is attacked and compromised

3.3 - Officers and Directors

Personal Contact Data (e.g. Name, Postal Address and Email Address) of IBNS Officers and Directors will be published in the Membership Directory, IBNS Journal and IBNS Website.

The lawful ground for processing the personal data of IBNS Officers and Directors is legitimate interest (accountability).

3.4 - Expert Panel

Personal Contact Data (e.g. Name and Email Address) of IBNS members on the Expert Panel will be published in the Membership Directory, IBNS Journal and IBNS Website.

The lawful ground for processing the personal data of Expert Panel Members is consent (request to join expert panel).

3.5 - Expelled or Suspended Members

The IBNS Membership Directory and website will include the name and membership number of IBNS members who have been expelled or suspended.

The lawful ground for processing the personal data of expelled or suspended member is legitimate interest (to inform the membership)

3.6 - IBNS Forum

IBNS Members take personal responsibility for any personal or sensitive data posted in the IBNS Forum which will be available to other IBNS Members. The views and opinions expressed in the IBNS forum are those of individual IBNS Members and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the IBNS as an organization or of individual IBNS Officers.

The IBNS Forum is reactively moderated and the Acceptable Use Policy is available online . Any concerns regarding posts on the IBNS Forum should be raised to the IBNS Webmaster (

4 - How Long We Keep Your Data

We look to keep your personal data for the minimum period to continue your membership of the IBNS. Personal data may be kept for longer periods to satisfy legal, accounting or reporting requirements.

4.1 - Expelled or Suspended Members

The name and IBNS membership number of a member who has been expelled or suspected will continue to be identified as such in the Directory and on the website until:

  1. that member has been re-admitted according to the terms of the IBNS Bylaws,
  2. the IBNS receives notification that the member has died, or
  3. thirty years have passed since the date of expulsion or suspension of the member. Removal of the name and IBNS membership number of an expelled or suspended member from the Directory and website after thirty years is not an indication that the member is re-admitted to the IBNS or that the person’s membership is in good standing.

5 - Who We Share Your Data With

The IBNS may share your personal data with the following types of third parties:

Third Party


Data Category

Membership Benefit Providers

Mailing Provider for the IBNS Journal


IT and System Administration

Website Hosting Providers

Credit Card Processors

Website Analysis Providers

Contact, Profile, Transaction, Technical

Contact, Profile, Transaction, Technical


Professional Advisors

Lawyers, Accountants, Auditors

Contact, Profile, Transaction, Technical

Government Organisations

Law Enforcement (under Court Order or Subpoena)

Taxation Authorities (with Regulatory Jurisdiction)

Contact, Profile, Transaction, Technical

Contact, Profile, Transaction, Technical

Numismatic Organizations (whose goals are similar to the IBNS)

Numismatic Organizations (whose goals are similar to the IBNS)

Data will be restricted to confirmation of a members status (Good-Standing, Expelled, Suspended or Dormant)

All third parties who process personal data on our behalf must maintain the security of your personal data and can only use it following our specific instructions.

Personal data is shared with IBNS membership secretaries and other IBNS officers, some of whom are located outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). Secure transfer mechanisms are used to protect your personal data in transit between membership secretaries.

5.1 - Third Party Links

Our website contains links to third party websites which are not under the control of the IBNS and we are not responsible for their privacy policies.  Using those links may allow third parties to collect or share data about you.  You are encouraged to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

6 - Your Legal Rights

Data Protection laws provide, under certain circumstances, legal rights in relation to your personal data. These include rights to access, correct, erase, object, restrict, transfer and withdraw consent (where applicable). For more information about these rights see:

To exercise any of these rights, please contact a Membership Secretary or email

If you have a complaint about the way your personal data has been processed, you have the right to complain to the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues; Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) We would be grateful if you would contact us before contacting the ICO so that we can try to resolve your complaint first.

7 - The Short Form

This is the text that will appear on membership application forms and in places where the full Privacy Policy cannot reasonably be printed.

The IBNS will use a member’s personal data to deliver membership benefits and where a member has chosen to publish their personal data, to inform other members of a member's name, contact details and collecting interests. The IBNS will not knowingly divulge a member’s personal data to an entity who is not a member of the IBNS, unless legally required. (The full IBNS Privacy Policy can be found at or obtained from an IBNS Membership Secretary.)