
Banknote of 2024 Voting Open

Voting for the IBNS Banknote of 2024 has started and runs to the 17th March.

IBNS Members can vote online here -

Latest Banknote of 2024 Nominations

The latest nominations for the Banknote of 2024 are: Philippines: 500-Piso Note, Cambodia: 200,000 Riels Note, Mongolia: 5,000 Togrog Note

IBNS Journal 63-4

includes articles on Alves Reis and the Portugese Banknote Case, Oxford Old Bank, Romanian Athenaeum on Banknotes, Banknotes in a Crisis?, When Governments Counterfeit: Part II, Wrong Country! Foreign Motifs on Banknotes

Login to read your copy.


Bylaws of the International Bank Note Society

Article Index
Bylaws of the International Bank Note Society
Article I. Name and purpose
Article II. Membership and dues or subscription
Article III. Chapters
Article IV. Officers and Executive Board
Article V. Elections
Article VI. Duties of Officers
Article VII. Meetings
Article VIII. General
Expulsion and Disciplinary Procedures
Reinstatement Procedures

Article VI. Duties of Officers

Section 1 - President

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the IBNS and Chair of the IBNS Executive Board. He is responsible for general supervision over the affairs of the society. As such:

  1. Within thirty (30) days of assuming office, and at intervals of no less than six (6) months thereafter, he will provide to the Executive Board a written “President’s statement of goals and objectives” to be met during the ensuing six (6) month (or longer) period, and a review and assessment of progress during the previous six (6) months.
  2. No later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of any regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Board, he will communicate a proposed agenda for the meeting to, and solicit comments and recommendations from, each member of the Board. Incorporating input received, no later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting he will distribute to each Board Member a final non-exclusive agenda for the meeting.
  3. As the primary link between the Executive Board and the membership, he will maintain communication with the general membership, providing pertinent information, direction and encouragement, via a regular “President’s Message” in each issue of the IBNS Journal.
  4. He, or his designee should he be unable to attend, will preside as chairman at general meetings of the members.

Section 2 - Immediate Past President

The duties of the Immediate Past President, who is that person to have last held the office of the President prior to the incumbent, will be to serve as special advisor to the President and other members of the Executive Board on matters concerning the management and direction of the society, and to perform such other mutually agreeable duties as the President may assign. The Immediate Past President shall serve only for the term immediately following his Presidency. Should the Immediate Past President die, cease to be a member in good standing, or, by written notification to the General Secretary, decline to serve, the position shall be declared vacant for the duration of the current President’s incumbency.

Section 3 - First Vice-President

The First Vice-President will be the Chief Operating Officer of the IBNS. As such, he will exercise executive oversight over all matters concerning preparation and distribution of IBNS publications, to include but not necessarily be limited to, the IBNS Journal and the website. He will serve as Chair of the Publications Committee. He may establish sub-committees as required to oversee the operations of the IBNS publications program. He will assist the President, in the President’s absence act in the President’s place, and perform such other duties and functions as the President or the Executive Board may direct.

Section 4 - Second Vice-President

The Second Vice-President will function in the capacity as Vice-President for membership affairs and services, and as such will exercise executive oversight over all activities pertaining to educational programs, chapters, membership recruitment and retention, grievance and discipline resolution, and auctions. He will serve as Chair of the Membership Committee. As such, he may from time to time and after consultation with the Treasurer and the President, institute various “recruiting and retention” programs, with appropriate and fiscally responsible rewards and incentives, to stimulate and increase the efforts of IBNS members and chapters in enrolling new members, retaining current members, and re-enrolling former members who have let their memberships lapse. He may establish sub-committees as required to oversee the operations of the IBNS membership programs. He will assist the President and First Vice-President in the discharge of their duties and perform such other duties and functions as the President or the Executive Board may direct.

Section 5 - Regional Director

The duties of a Regional Director will be: to participate actively in the consultations, deliberations and decision-making of the Executive Board; to represent the IBNS in the region in which the Director resides; to serve on the Membership Committee, in cooperation and coordination with the Second Vice-President; to maintain liaison with each IBNS chapter established within the region being served; to be a primary Executive Board point of contact for members within the region on matters of membership concern; to serve on committees as appointed by the President and the Executive Board; and generally to further the aims and objectives of the IBNS.

Section 6 - Director At-Large

The duties of a Director At-Large will be: to participate actively in the consultations, deliberations and decision-making of the Executive Board; to serve on committees as appointed by the President and the Executive Board; and to represent, and generally further the aims and objectives of the IBNS.

Section 7 - General Secretary

The duties of the General Secretary, as Chief Administrative Officer of the IBNS, will be: to keep a true and accurate record of all transactions of the society; to keep the definitive version of these bylaws and to arrange for approved amendments to these bylaws to be included in IBNS publications; to receive applications for membership and to process them in accordance with these bylaws; to undertake such correspondence as is required in the pursuit of the General Secretary’s duties; and to prepare a report annually, or more often if required, for submission to the Executive Board and to the annual meeting. He will co-ordinate the Membership Secretaries and oversee the Chapters Secretary.

Section 8 - Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer, as chief financial Officer of the IBNS, will be: to have complete responsibility for all money and assets of the society; to pay out such monies, as required, in the conduct of the society’s affairs against proper authorization by the President or the First or Second Vice-President; to invest the funds of the society in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Board; to prepare and submit an accounting and report of all matters pertaining to the funds and assets of the society at least quarterly, and more often if required by the Executive Board; and at least annually to submit to the members by inclusion in the IBNS Journal, an annual report on the financial standing of the society.

Section 9 - Editor

The duties of the Editor will be to edit, publish and in other respects be responsible for the society’s official IBNS Journal, to publish in the IBNS Journal information on the membership as requested from time to time by the President or General Secretary, to publish the annual report of the Treasurer, to seek out and obtain suitable articles for publication in the IBNS Journal and to edit such articles; and generally to pursue the objectives of the society to be a learned, educational and research-oriented society.

Section 10 - Chair of the Membership Committee

The duties of the Chair of the Membership Committee will be to have overall responsibility for developing programs to increase the membership of the IBNS; to insure that the benefits of membership in the IBNS are publicized; to establish communication with and monitor the activities of the individual IBNS chapters; to report from time to time on the committee’s activity to the General Secretary; and to annually furnish a report to the Executive Board and to the annual meeting on all matters related thereto; provided, however, that the chairman may delegate any of his duties to other members of the committee.

Section 11 - Chapters Secretary

The duties of the Chapters Secretary will be to undertake liaison with the IBNS chapters, facilitate the creation of new chapters, and conduct annual recertification of chapters. The Chapters Secretary is overseen by the General Secretary and reports to the Second Vice-President.

Section 12 - Membership Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers

The duties of the Membership Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers will be to undertake such of the General Secretary’s duties and the Treasurer’s duties as are delegated in their terms of appointment and to report from time to time as required by the General Secretary and the Treasurer. At least quarterly the Assistant Treasurers will submit a detailed reporting and accounting of funds, assets and other financial matters of the society within their control to the Treasurer.

Section 13 - Auctioneers

The duties of the Auctioneers will be to conduct auctions on behalf of the IBNS under terms and conditions to be approved by the Executive Board; to report after each auction to the Treasurer and give an accounting of all funds received as Auctioneers both in respect of material bought and sold and funds owed to the society; to report at least once a year, and more often as required, to the Executive Board and the annual meeting details of the auctions conducted, including a financial accounting.

Section 14 - Advertising Manager, Librarian, Historian, Archivist

The duties of the Advertising Manager, the Librarian, and Historian or Archivist, and such other Officers as are appointed from time to time, will be those set out in their terms of appointment as determined by the Executive Board and amended from time to time.

Section 15 - Webmaster

The Webmaster will be responsible for loading and maintaining the IBNS website, but not for the provision of the content thereof.

Section 16 - Grievance and Discipline Program Manager

The Grievance and Discipline Program Manager will serve on the Membership Committee. He will be the Chair of the Grievance and Discipline Committee, to which he may make such appointments as he deems necessary and advisable. He will receive, investigate, and process grievances and allegations, submitted by IBNS members, of violations of the IBNS bylaws or member Code of Ethics by other IBNS members. Where warranted, he will refer cases to the Executive Board for adjudication and possible disciplinary action in accordance with Article I, Section 7 of these bylaws and such implementing policies and procedures as are adopted by the Executive Board for this purpose.

Section 17 - Education Programs Manager

The Education Programs Manager will serve as Chair of the Education Committee, to which he may make such appointments as he deems necessary and advisable. He is responsible for the encouragement, development, and support of IBNS member educational activities, which include, but are not necessarily limited to, IBNS speaker programs, competitive and non-competitive exhibits at various paper money events worldwide, chapter educational programs, and member research projects. He will process, evaluate and forward, with recommendation, to the Executive Board for its decision those suitable and appropriate member proposals requesting grants or other financial assistance in support of study or research projects.

Section 18 - Awards Programs Manager

The Awards Programs Manager will serve as Chair of the Awards Committee, to which he may make such appointments as he deems necessary and advisable. Working in close coordination with the Education Programs Manager, he is responsible for the development, coordination, management, and general supervision of the programs whereby awards are made in the name of the IBNS.