
IBNS Journal 63-4

includes articles on Alves Reis and the Portugese Banknote Case, Oxford Old Bank, Romanian Athenaeum on Banknotes, Banknotes in a Crisis?, When Governments Counterfeit: Part II, Wrong Country! Foreign Motifs on Banknotes

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Latest Banknote of 2024 Nominations

The latest nominations for the Banknote of 2024 are: China: 20-Yuan Note, Thailand: 100-Baht Note, Japan: 5,000-Yen Note, Mozambique: 50-Meticais Note, Argentina: 10,000-Peso Note, Eastern Caribbean States: 50-Dollar Note, Morocco: 200-Dirhams Note


Bylaws of the International Bank Note Society

Article Index
Bylaws of the International Bank Note Society
Article I. Name and purpose
Article II. Membership and dues or subscription
Article III. Chapters
Article IV. Officers and Executive Board
Article V. Elections
Article VI. Duties of Officers
Article VII. Meetings
Article VIII. General
Expulsion and Disciplinary Procedures
Reinstatement Procedures

Article III. Chapters

Section 1 - Creation

The IBNS encourages members who are geographically concentrated or share common topical interests to join together into groups and to further the achievement of the aims and objectives of the society by forming chapters. A name chosen by a chapter seeking recognition will be subject to approval by the Chapters Secretary. Named chapters also will be numbered sequentially by date of chapter recognition by the IBNS, with number one (#1) being assigned to the London Chapter. The Executive Board shall establish and may from time to time modify other rules and regulations as it deems necessary for the proper management and governance of the IBNS chapters program. Members are encouraged to affiliate with (join) a local chapter and/or one (1) or more topical chapters. However, for the purposes of chapter IBNS grant eligibility, IBNS members shall not be counted as being a member of more than one (1) chapter, which will be designated as the member’s primary chapter of record.

Section 2 - Recognition

  1. To be recognized as a chapter of the IBNS, a group must:
    1. Establish an organization, all Officers of which are members in good standing of the IBNS, and consisting, as a minimum, of a President and a Corresponding Secretary.
    2. Have a membership of at least five (5) IBNS members in good standing.
    3. Make application to the Chapters Secretary. This application will include, as a minimum:
      1. The proposed name of the chapter.
      2. If not evident from the proposed name, whether the chapter is “local” or “topical.”
      3. The names, IBNS membership numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses, if applicable, of chapter Officers.
      4. The names and IBNS membership numbers, where applicable, of all chapter members.
  2. The Chapters Secretary, after determining that the application is in order and all requirements met, may at his discretion either approve it and issue an appropriate letter of initial certification and charter, or refer it for consideration at the next regularly scheduled Executive Board Meeting.
  3. Annually in January each chapter must submit a recertification request to the Chapters Secretary, updating the information specified in paragraph a(3) above, and requesting continued recognition as an IBNS chapter. Upon confirmation that the requirements of paragraphs a(1) and a(2) above have been met, such recertification shall be confirmed and communicated by the Chapters Secretary to the Second Vice-President and the Regional Director in whose region the chapter is established.
  4. Each chapter must report to the IBNS President, Second Vice-President, and Chapters Secretary, or publish and distribute either physically or via an acceptable website, or in the IBNS Journal, at minimum quarterly per-annum, a newsletter or update on that chapter’s activities, as a requirement of maintaining recognition by the IBNS.

Section 3 - Affiliation

Upon issuance of a charter and chapter number by the IBNS, and for so long as the chapter continues to meet the annual recertification requirements to maintain recognition by the IBNS, a chapter may use the initials “IBNS” and the word “group”, “chapter”, or other term denoting a connection with the IBNS. Each chapter will receive, at the address of the Corresponding Secretary, two (2) copies of each publication distributed to the general membership and will be entitled to all other privileges of membership less the right to vote.

Section 4 - Funding

Each chapter must be self-sustaining and autonomous. A chapter cannot commit the IBNS financially, and the IBNS is in no way liable, financially or otherwise, in connection with the activities of any chapter. Furthermore, chapter affiliation does not obligate the IBNS in any way to provide financial support for chapter activities. The IBNS may, upon formal written request by the chapter President and approval by the Executive Board, authorize financial aid when such aid enhances the accomplishment of the IBNS objectives and is clearly in the interests of the IBNS as a whole. Aid may be rendered in the form of grants (in any twelve (12) month period not to exceed one-tenth (1/10) of the amount of annual dues paid to the IBNS by chapter members) or loans. Loans will be interest-free, for a period not to exceed six (6) months and will be a personal obligation to the IBNS on the part of the President of the chapter.

Section 5 - Constitution

If a chapter has a constitution or bylaws, a copy must be filed with the Chapters Secretary. A copy of the minutes of all meetings of each chapter must likewise be filed with the Chapters Secretary. The Regional Director of the region in which the chapter is located will be an ex-officio member of the Board or other governing authority of the chapter.

Section 6 - Awards

Chapters may, and are encouraged to, bestow awards, honoraria, or other recognitions in their own chapter names. However, no such award may be made in the name of the IBNS as a whole or in a form that implies that it is being so made, without case-by-case prior approval by the Executive Board or by an IBNS Officer so empowered by the Board.

Section 7 - Membership

Affiliation with or membership by a person in a recognized IBNS chapter does not entitle that person to any of the rights and privileges of IBNS membership, such rights and privileges accruing only from individual IBNS membership held in a person’s own name.