
IBNS Journal 63-1

includes articles on Script of Jammu, Kashmir and Tibet, Time and Timekeeping on Banknotes, E. Chiossone: The Father of the Japanese Banknotes, Spanish Colonial Issues in Cuba and Post Office Exchange Tokens of the Amur Region.

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Dr. Walter Loeb (2012)

Dr. Walter Loeb was the co-founder of the IBNS and its first president, then Vice-President until his death in 1968.

He was also the chairman and then a member of the membership committee during his years with the IBNS – a time when membership grew from just two (Narbeth and Loeb) to more than 400 worldwide. He was the foremost paper money collector of his time in the United States and was the author of one of the earliest paper money catalogues, Paper Money of the World.